Concierge Network Directory

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About Heads Up Marketing

Do you know how these days, most businesses have a website?


Well, what we do is create 100's of places online for people to find information that connects them to that website READY TO TAKE ACTION!


And, best of all, it doesn't matter if they are looking on a mobile device or desktop.


Our goal is to help our clients connect with consumers and give them a substantial return on their investment (ROI).

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  1. Select "Add To Home Screen" and click Save".
  2. Our icon should appear on your home screen.
  3. Click icon to launch app.


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  1. Click on bookmark symbol and select "Add Bookmark". When done, click HOME symbol.
  2. From your home screen tap any blank area until the "Add To Home Screen" menu appears (or select the bookmark widget from your app tray and drag to your screen, selecting the book club website you bookmarked).
  3. Tap on Shortcut until the "Select Shortcut" menu appears.
  4. Tap on Bookmark until your list of bookmarks appear.
  5. Select this site. Our icon should appear on your home screen.


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